Facilitate CRE Transactions in the Midwest

Theresa Mueller – Chair


Myra Nimchaiyong

Myra Nimchaiyong




Shari Haefner

Shari Haefner




What: Broker Dealer Forum

Who: Primarily CRE Brokers

Purpose: Facilitate commercial real estate transactions in Midwest

Format: Zoom session once a month (Fourth Tuesdays, 10:30 AM)
Each presenter bringing their top priority 3 minute time limit

Describe asset – Building & Location
Benefits of property – Examples (ROI, seller financing, value add opportunity, etc.)
Ownership requests – Examples (seeking different geography, different asset, can add to deal, etc.)

What client seeking – property type, budget, geography, timeframe, 1031?

Database for needs and wants which will feed to NICAR page for members

Cost: NICAR Members Free

Non-members $10/session or $100/year

Upcoming Events

July 30, 2024 –  Click Here
August 20, 2024 –  Click Here
September 17, 2024 –  Click Here


Reduce Your Federal Taxes with Cost Segregation

Presented June, 2024

Help Clients Manage Assessment Volatility & Advertise Your #1 Priority

Presented May, 2024

Understanding Exchange Meetings & Advertise Your #1 Priority

Presented February, 2024